
It all began here, in lower Piedmont, in this area called Roero, in the north-east of the province of Cuneo. Way back in 1951, my great-grandfather Giuseppe and great-grandmother Rosina settled in the hills, which wind along the left bank of the Tanaro river where, today as then, cultivation is part of a nature that is still uncontaminated in places.

On the fortress of Santa Vittoria d'Alba, which dominates the Roero and of which it is a worthy vanguard, they occupied the house where my farm is currently located.

Initially, they built a small stable to house a couple of oxen, which they used for work in the fields, two cows and some calves.

Immediately behind the house, great-grandfather Giuseppe, worked with passion a small vineyard that provided the wine for the family needs.                          

With the passing of the years, my grandfather Lorenzo, passionate about breeding but above all about viticulture, decided to help his father in the agricultural works. Vintages were propitious and father and son began to buy some vineyards in good positions and they increased the breeding of livestock. Thanks to the hard work, it was also the time to buy the first tractor and to build a new stable.

In 1968 my father Valter was born and since he was a little boy he approached to the world of agriculture and at the end of his studies, instead of choosing to work in a factory, he stayed at home to work with grandpa Lorenzo, by now the head of the company, and grandma Marilena, with the intent of increasing the cultivation of vine.

These were years of growth in the field of vine cultivation and in 1999, my father and grandfather agreed to give a turning point to the farm by definitely abandoning cattle breeding in order to dedicate themselves exclusively to vineyards, also converting some fields in hazelnut groves.

And here we come to me.

I was born in 1995 and since I was a child I used to accompany my grandfather to work in the vineyards. I used to watch him pruning in late autumn, tying the vine shoots, watching carefully the buds getting bigger and then, in late spring, choosing with care which bud to leave in order to produce the best grapes; I used to see him looking worried at the dark sky for the arrival of the storm and smiling when in August the veraison phase started. I shared with my grandfather and my father the excitement of the grape harvest and the thrill of crushing some of the grapes, smelling deeply the scent of must that was released from the vats and spread all around.

All these sensations, experienced since I was a child, helped me to understand that this was the path I wanted to take.

After graduating at the end of my studies, at the Agricultural School of Grinzane Cavour, I started working full time in the family business. During these years I tried to know more and more the world of wine, starting from the big producers to the smallest realities.

Little by little the idea of producing great wines matured in me, in a vocated area such as Santa Vittoria d'Alba, but unfortunately still little known.

Finally in 2017, when I was 22 years old, by renovating the old family stable and transforming it into a winery I was able to start my winery which takes care of the whole production process: from the management of vineyards to the sale of the finished product while keeping a firm focus on the care of details.